As long as you do not have a problem with GUIs then I would recommend one of these packages.
Both of these guis are simple to use but do come with very good readme files. It is also necessary if you wish to play multi-disc games like MGS at some point. This is great because without it, all of your games will appear as HSG2 on your psp which can cause problems with save data etc. These guis allow customisation of your eboot.pbp (game and save id changes and custom icons and music whilst game highlighted within the XMB). All that is then required is that you fill the empty text boxes with the required info and click go. The base.pbp file needs to be saved to the FILES folder for psx2psp or DATA folder for PsGUI300beta.
These guis no longer require the keys.bin file if your fw is 3.03oec or above.
fc Convert ISO\PBP file when starting the tool.
#Pbp to iso icetea code
What in san-heck do you do?Depending on your fw version the best packages to use to convert your psx iso to eboot.pbp (required to play the game on psp) are KingSquitters psx2psp v1.2 or Zinga Burgas PsGUI300beta (source code available if you are interested).You want to do everything neccesary to be able to play it on your PSP. SCENERIO: You have DBZ Final Bout (ISO) on your computer.
#Pbp to iso icetea how to
For those of you who do know how to do it, can you tell me or answer the scenerio in detail? I've read the instructions over and over, and I dont know what in blazes is Hot Shots 2, where to get, where to put it, what it is for that matter, and I have no idea what the KEY.BIN is or where to get it and where to put it. Sorry, Im totally new to this whole popstation thing.